Information is power. But as powerful as it is, has it become a cliché ? Business Intelligence, Due Diligence, Economic Intelligence, information research is essential. How can the right information make you powerful?

In this article, let's first define the 3 stages of information research before defining the 3 keys to the power of information:

Take the environment into account - In the name of interactivity, readers also stand out for their opinions. Sometimes they monopolize the investigative work by providing key information in a comment or post.

This journey on the web goes beyond news websites in its biggest picture. Classifieds sites, institutional, associative, corporate or governmental websites complete the course, with one common objective: information whatever the way or the nature must be disseminated.

Targeted information must be analyzed. It is a question of verifying it, of confronting it, of analyzing it. The only way for an information to lose its value is the result of replacing by a new one or invalidating by another information. Indeed, it is clear that the huge number of information and its availability give birth to a lot of false information. When information is power, fake news is a threat.

Once collected and analyzed, information must be protected. The information deserves respect, precaution and the best systems to save and protect it. Confidentiality makes the difference to save our information, like a treasure.

With the Grail in hand now, let's get the 3 keys to the power of information:

  1. Domination
    Some people take a leadership position because of what they know. If everyone knew the same thing, then everyone would be on the same level. Information dictates our decisions, our actions, our successes. Investing in information generates the best return on investment. He who knows wins in leadership. He walks the path with the clairvoyance of knowledge and his every move will take place in knowledge and awareness.
  2. Respect
    The world is in constant search of information. People need new information, to understand old information, and to try new inventions based on old information. The man who has the information therefore has what others want. Thus, he earns their respect, even their admiration. We admire the Sage, for he holds the knowledge.
  3. Control
    Politicians, businesses, marketing teams, governments, all try to control information by posting content. Information opens up the possibility of controlling the mind. The broadcast of content will make it possible in order to disseminate an idea, an opinion, a vision. So it will create material in the minds of readers. Even some influence. This strategic approach will also find strength in the management of content. Indeed, matter acts on matter. Creating new content will delete the old content. Thus, the bad buzz of the past will disappear.

Don't doubt the power of information anymore.

“Knowledge is the key to power, to wisdom. » Confucius


"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you will do things differently." WARREN BUFFET

With Internet, information and its consumption are shared between digital and social media giants. In this immense playground, Internet users create their own sphere of influence until they find themselves compartmentalized. Our browsing on the internet or on social networks conditions the content that will be offered to us. Very quickly, you find yourself in a forum where all the information is alike ... It is your sphere of influence. By creating these silos, information spreads ever faster, until it goes viral. Virality on the web may seem like an obscure figure to us, but COVID 19 has given a life-size illustration of what virality means. It paralyzes the whole world in a few weeks… and for several months.

Reputation and online reputation are being built. Today, in the age of individualism, of social media, blogs and influencers, you are your own brand. Reputation is the image perceived by your audience: comments, texts, articles, images and more generally all the speeches your audience makes about you. It doesn't matter what you say, what really matters is what Google, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter say about you or your business. It is clear that the reputation is therefore built and also protected.

Reputation has a significant impact: it acts on the confidence of employees, future employees, customers, prospects and potential shareholders. In addition, a mix of company and individual prevails. The reputation of the company and of its leader are on the same pedestal. The correlation is no longer to be proven. It is essential to consider the subject in its most complete version, from the big picture, to adapt the adequate protection shield.

Finally, the question today is not whether a company will face reputation issues, but rather when it will face them. And, a reputation does not clean itself despite the promises of the right to be forgotten on Internet. The brands which manage to preserve their e-reputation following a crisis are those which are well prepared, those which have been able to anticipate.

A strategy to protect its e-reputation is therefore essential both upstream and in response. Everything is going fast. Too fast.

Whatever the situation, information is power.

See you next week for the next article. 😊


“If history does not repeat itself, human behavior does” – Michel Godet, economist.

In crisis management, we assess risks, develop scenarios, define action plans ready to be implemented, and organize the entire crisis cell.
And then the crisis really breaks out with its share of unexpected events. Should we try to match a plan with the unexpected? Isn’t this a paradox?
Predicting is only fully possible in a fixed universe whose future is accurately defined. A crisis is exceptional and therefore dictates its own rules. Uncertainties mark out crises. COVID-19 health crisis was clearly illustrated by its uncertain duration, the lack of knowledge of the virus, the second wave, the vaccination policy, the immunization, the contagion. So many unforeseen events and unexpected outcomes.
As many opinions as contradictions and the unknown future of social and economic consequences. Planning becomes uncertain, and the future unclear, but answers are empirical.
We still have to foresee the possible evolutionary directions and prepare the adequate action modes.
It is for this reason that ABGC addresses in its approach the management methods of the
Unpredictable in a crisis context.
Just like an athlete, managers must practice. Through training, they acquire automatic skills in approach, organization, and human and material management. However, emotional management takes up a considerable amount of space. Anticipating the unpredictable is certainly a paradox, but isn’t working on reactions to the unexpected the key to a successful crisis management?